Creative Movement

Editors’ note:

This is part of an on-going series of posts on the Valley’s creative movement and its counterpart the central valley brain drain. We are exploring why people leave and what would help them move back home.

If you are part of the brain drain and would like to participate, answer the questions you see below and send them to valley.notes AT gmail DOT com. This is our second reader submitted survey, and our first from a Tulare County native.

Thank you Dan for taking the time to share your perspective!

Name: Dan
Age: 43
Where did you attend high school? Tulare Union High School
What is your educational background? MS in Engineering, San Jose State; BS in Mathematics, University of South Carolina. Also attended Fresno State, College of the Sequoias, Chico State, and Shasta College.
What is your current occupation? Software engineer at a Motorola subsidiary.

Where and how long did you live in the central valley? From 1973 to 1985 in Hanford, Tulare, and Clovis, 1987/88 up norte, and also in Yosemite from 1990 to 1992.

Where do you live now? San Jose.
Why do you (don’t you) live in the central San Joaquin Valley?
1) Not enough jobs, good or otherwise.
2) My wife has zero interest in the Valley, and she probably couldn’t get a good job within her specialization there.
3) Honestly, I would be concerned about the impact of air pollution on my kids.
What are the secondary reasons?
The Bay Area is not a bad place to live. Great weather. Nice trails. More liberals.Roads with curves.

What are the top 5-10 adjectives that come to mind when you think of the central valley? Nevada (that’s the adj in “Sierra Nevada”), Hot, foggy, fertile, reactionary.

What changes/acts of God would need to occur in order for you to move back?
The real miracle would be convincing my wife.
What price would make it worthwhile to move back?
Two good jobs, I suppose.
Feel free to add any comments.
I would love to live among the grove on the eastern edge of the valley. It’s a genuine fantasy, but maybe not very realistic.

Editors’ note:

This is part of an on-going series of posts on the Valley’s creative movement and its counterpart the central valley brain drain. We are exploring why people leave and what would help them move back home.

If you are part of the brain drain and would like to participate, answer the questions you see below and send them to valley.notes AT gmail DOT com. This is our first reader submitted survey. Thank you Bryan!

Name: Bryan

Age: 23

Where did you attend high school? Clovis West High School

What is your educational background? BA in Mass Communication and Journalism (Video Production emphasis) from Cal State Univ-Fresno. Minor in History.

What is your current occupation? Production Coordinator with FOX Entertainment Group.

Where and how long did you live in the central valley?
From birth to the end of college. 1984 – 2007.

Where do you live now? Studio City, California (Los Angeles).

Why do you (don’t you) live in the central San Joaquin Valley? There’s no major film or television industry in the valley.

What are the secondary reasons? No other reason really.  But the weather is a lot nicer in Southern California.

What are the top 5-10 adjectives that come to mind when you think of the central valley? Hot, conservative, rural, affordable, potential

What changes/acts of God would need to occur in order for you to move back? A much more vibrant local film and television industry. Art house theaters. Location shooting from Hollywood studios. The city film commission is making baby steps, but it’s not something I see happening too soon. They don’t even have public access television for starters!

What price would make it worthwhile to move back? If I could make just as much money in my industry and still be happy, it may be worthwhile. But the industry lives and breaths in Los Angeles, so I could never see myself leaving here for good.

Feel free to add any comments. Those of us born in the valley will always posses some strange bond and weird desire to return. Whether or not we will is the question.

Unlike the newest chain store to open in Fresno, we’re always hungry for happenings that gets us excitedI mean really excited–about returning to the San Joaquin Valley. When we heard about Central Valley Cafe Scientifique, we had to learn more: mostly the who, what, where, when, why and how can we help out.

That’s because Central Valley Cafe Scientifique is a free monthly forum for the public to hear lectures and ask questions of local scientists. The talks are half-a-year-old, have no advertising budget and garnered no major media coverage, but organizers tell me that meetings have attracted as many as 60 to 80 participants and counting.

“It’s been an embarrassment of riches,” said Scott Hatfield, a Bullard High School science teacher, an evolution activist, and one of the organizers.

“It just shows that Fresno County is really starved for opportunites to hear science.”

A Worldwide Trend

Cafe Scientifique is a concept that started ten years ago in England and is catching on worldwide in Uganda, Japan, Hungary, Poland and now Fresno, California . The idea is to take science out of the classroom and into public spaces. It’s commonly held in cafes, bars and restaurants, where people can munch on chips and salsa while contemplating the cosmos.

A Growing Audience

Hatfield says people who have attended are part of the Fresno State community, but they are also members of the public–people who might watch public television, or be active in their communities. The crowd has grown so large that the group has stopped actively promoting its meetings to make sure the venues don’t overflow. They might even branch off into two cafes to meet the demand, and also become more accessible to participants in the north Valley– such as near U.C. Merced.

Think Globally; Learn Science Locally

One important draw is that the cafe will feature local scientists from academic institutions, private industry and also the local branches of governmental organizations– such those at the US Dept. of Agriculture, Dept. of Fish and Game and US Forest Service.

The cafe’s first topics demonstrate the depth of our science community. They’ve spanned the gamut of forensic biochemistry, social psychology, global warming and sexual diversity. The talks are billed as provokative, but also playful. The next meeting on June 2 is on “Finding your inner fish.” Reading the promo, we’re already intrigued and educated: Fish use tools? They can switch gender mid-life?

Would you like some Central Valley with your science?

Now, it’s no secret that since this is the Central Valley’s Cafe Scientifique, this is all going on in the midst of the creationism/evolution controversy. We’re not well-schooled in creationist battlegrounds, but at least one of the topics seem to take the religious alternative head on with lectures on the age of the universe. Hatfield says they welcome participants from all backgrounds to engage in mature scientific discourse.

If you’re interested in attending the next Central Valley Cafe Scientifique it’ll be held:

Monday, June 2

6:30 to 8:30pm

at Lucy’s Lair

10063 N Maple Ave

Fresno, CA 93730

(559) 433-9775

Also, we weren’t sure how to approach this, since this whole blogging protocol is so new, but there’s a really good thread about our Brain Drain Chronicles going on at the online community

We put the link in one of our comments, but it’s too hard to see, so here it is for those on the run.

Also, we’re probably speaking to the choir, but another place where engaged citizens could discuss issues raised by the interviews is Creative Fresno’s Mindhub, an email list-serve you can sign up for here.

For some reason that mimics our entire nerdy childhoods, people would rather talk about us, than to us. And maybe that’s why we left you, Fresno cool crowd. That’s right, we left Y-O-U. (And just so you know we’re now super-skinny and much hotter than when we left.)

Kidding aside, we understand that sometimes it makes sense to talk to a crowd of friends versus a super-square couple you haven’t met. That’s why we have each other, and as we always say, “@7 l3@57 We GoTz EaCh 07H3R “

We had the fortunate opportunity to catch up via email and telephone with Dara Purvis, the outgoing editor-in-chief of the Yale Law Journal and a 1999 Edison High school graduate. For those of you outside the legal profession, landing this position at the nation’s top ranked law school is as superstar as it gets.

(Barack Obama’s position as editor-in-chief at the Harvard Law Review is often used as a stamp of his intellectual and leadership credibility.)

Since leaving Fresno, Dara graduated from the University of Southern California. She received a MPhil in Political Thought and Intellectual History at the University of Cambridge before starting at Yale Law in 2005.

However none of this intellectual prowess will likely trickle down to Fresno. Those of you who follow Fresno brain drain issues might recognize her name from a candid column she wrote in 2005 for The Raw Story entitled: “How Fresno Drained my Brain.”

We thought it would be fun to interview her ourselves for this on-going feature and see if she feels any different after three years at Yale.

Brain Drain Chronicles: Dara Purvis, current editor-in-chief of the Yale Law Journal

Have your feelings about moving to Fresno changed since your column was published?

Not really, although rereading the column it sounds a bit more negative than I think I meant it to! When I think about Fresno, I have a vaguely positive feeling, since I’m very close with my family and like going back to see them, but I don’t see myself ever moving back there.

Why or why not?

One obvious factor would be employment—I’m planning to become a law professor, and because my father is a law professor at San Joaquin College of Law I have a very clear picture of what being a law professor in Fresno is like. He loves his job and really enjoys teaching, but the opportunities I’d have in Fresno lack a lot of the professorial support that I’ve seen professors at Yale benefit from, that I would definitely look for at the point I was entering academia. I also feel like Fresno has less social and cultural activity than other places I’ve lived. To make myself sound really ancient, I remember when it was the most exciting thing in town was that Broadway Faire had opened! I’m definitely not some club-hopping hipster, but when I’m home during the holidays and want to meet up with friends, the discussions of what to do and where to go cycle back around to “well we could go to a bookstore or we could go to a coffee shop.” And I’m also sure that another reason I don’t feel any desire to move back is that virtually none of my friends live there now—even California in general feels impossibly far away from my friends on the east coast and in England.

What did studying at Yale, Cambridge and USC reveal to you about your hometown?

It’s definitely unique, and it makes a great punchline! I know that’s flippant, but there’s some truth in it—my friends from big cities don’t have anywhere near the number of “let me tell you about where I grew up…” stories that I do. The contrast with the other places I’ve lived certainly reveals the contrast between there and Fresno—on the one hand they have emphasized the familiarity I feel with Fresno. I don’t think I’ll ever feel as confident driving anywhere else, because I know the city so well. But on the other hand, the contrast highlights some of Fresno’s shortcomings. In a way it has made Fresno much more connected with my family in my mind, because that’s what I go back for.

Are you the first Fresnan to hold that position at Yale?

(I assume this means EIC—correct me if not!) As far as I know I am indeed the only Fresnan to be EIC, although the institutional memory is so short since the membership turns over completely every two years that I can’t be sure. (I do know the names of all the past EICs, but I don’t know all of their backgrounds.)

What perspective do you bring as a Fresnan to those settings?

Good question…to be honest, I’m not sure exactly what about my perspective makes it Fresnan! I can definitely identify things about myself that are due to parts of Fresno—I’d say that going to Edison has affected my perspective greatly, and in a very positive way—but I’m not even sure what exactly the Fresnan perspective would be.

You alluded to a few things in your column that Fresno would need to change. Can you expand on that: What would need to happen for Fresno to be an appealing place to live for you, or someone like you?

One thing that has become more apparent over time is how hard it is to get to Fresno! Obviously Fresno does have an airport, but it’s expensive and there aren’t that many flights. The contrast with New Haven is shocking in that regard—New Haven has an even smaller airport, and while it isn’t perfect, the shuttle flights to a major hub are at least frequent and not prohibitively expensive. And New Haven is only an hour away from the Hartford airport, which is big and has plenty of flights going all over the country, and two hours from several New York airports that are huge! When I come home I always fly into the Bay area or Los Angeles and one of my parents drives to get me, which seems ridiculous but actually makes sense both money- and time-wise, so long as you have very generous parents who don’t mind making the round trip!

Another thing I wish was different about Fresno is the lack of much cultural and social activity. There is some there, but it’s not very well-supported, and in a city of Fresno’s size should really be stronger. The Fresno Philharmonic should be more popular and thus more active; the Fresno Ballet should be thriving, there should be more community organizations and businesses so children and adults in the area grow up with the arts as part of their life. There should be an independent movie theater, and the Tower Theatre‘s showings should be more popular. There should be more good restaurants in Fresno, and the ones that are there shouldn’t coalesce around strip malls!

What do you think of the Creative Fresno movement? Do you know about it?

I hadn’t known about it before now, although I just looked at their website and it looks like they’re working on some great stuff.

What ideas would you give to someone about how to get the most out of childhood or life in Fresno?

Well, I can speak more to childhood, just because I haven’t spent really any of my adult life in Fresno. There are definitely great opportunities for children in Fresno; it just takes a lot more legwork than some other places. My parents made a big point of having my sisters and I in piano and dance lessons and choirs as we grew up, and even sports teams before I made it very clear (probably when I was about 6!) that I had zero desire or aptitude toward athletics. My mom worked part-time at the public library when I was young, so as a kid I thought of it as a big exciting outing when I got to go to work with her and hang out at the library all day. I think it’s just a matter of putting effort into learning about and taking advantage of the best parts of Fresno; get involved in something like Creative Fresno and the other websites out there and take part in everything Fresno has to offer! Try all the new restaurants before they close, go to the Fresno Pride Parade, buy season tickets to the Philharmonic, volunteer at the Poverello House or Planned Parenthood. And get a dog from the CCSPCA!

Are you graduating this year?

Yes, I am! (Assuming I make it through all these papers….)

What are your plans after graduation?

I’m actually headed back to California for a bit—I’m taking the bar exam in New York, so I’ll be in New Haven through most of the summer studying for that, but next year I’m clerking for Raymond C. Fisher, a judge on the Ninth Circuit who sits in Pasadena. My partner Jeff and I will be moving back in August and living with my best friend from college, which will be really great. But I know we’ll only be there for a year, because the year after I’m clerking for a Gerard Lynch, a judge in the Southern District of New York. But I might actually have Thanksgiving in Fresno this year, which I haven’t done for about five years!


Valley Notebook’s supplementary reading links to this interview

How Fresno Drained my Brain by Dara Purvis, no date on the webpage, but it references an LA Times story published late 2005.

Years at Edison taught me the true value of diversity by Dara Purvis, originally published in the Fresno Bee, July 19, 2003.

More about Dara from her homepage – Read columns and see her bio (does not include recent information on law school career as of this post).

New York Times article on Barack Obama’s election to editor-in-chief/President of Harvard Law Review – This also includes background on what law reviews do and the prestige of holding the top position.

More on Law Review and Journals from Wikipedia – Note: Wikipedia’s entries are edited by the public, not all information included can be trusted as fact.

Editors’ note:

This is part of an on-going series of posts on the Valley’s creative movement and its counterpart the central valley brain drain.

If you are part of the brain drain and would like to participate, answer the questions you see below and send them to valley.notes AT gmail DOT com. Please give us ideas on how we can improve this series.

Brain Drain Chronicles: Garth, 26

Name (first name OK): Garth

Age: 26

Where did you attend high school? Clovis High School

What is your educational background?

I graduated from California State University, Fresno in Spring of 2005 with my B.S. in Criminology and an option of Victimology.
What is your current occupation? Supervising Counselor at a group home in Boston for children who have been abused and neglected.

Where and how long did you live in the central valley?

I lived in Clovis, Ca for 18 years.
Where do you live now? I live in Boston, Ma

Why do you (don’t you) live in the central San Joaquin Valley?

I don’t live in the central valley anymore, because I just got tired of the lifestyle in that area. Many other parts of Ca are beautiful, but for me right now, I like living in a city with less sprawl and more forward thinking as far as city development.

What are the secondary reasons?

I am enjoying exploring a part of the country that is much different from where I grew up. The changes in weather as well as the differences in people’s attitudes on the east coast are fun.

What are the top 5-10 adjectives that come to mind when you think of the central valley?

hot, dry, sprawling, conservative, grid-like.

How often do you visit? (Editor’s Note: New question!)

Usually about twice a year.

If you do not currently live in the central San Joaquin Valley, what changes/acts of God would need to occur in order for you to move there?

I would need to have no other choice but to return. So for instance, to help my direct family members because of sickness or death. Or if for some reason I absolutely needed their support and lost all my money or had some illness which required me to be taken care of.

If you do not currently live in the central San Joaquin Valley, what price would make it worthwhile?

The central valley already has a pretty low cost of living. Especially comparing it to my current residence in Boston. With that said, I don’t think I would move back despite how cheap it is. I value what I have in Boston too much to move back.

Editors’ note:

This is part of an on-going series of posts on the Valley’s creative movement and its counterpart the central valley brain drain.

If you are part of the brain drain and would like to participate, answer the questions you see below and send them to valley.notes AT gmail DOT com. Please give us ideas on how we can improve this series.

Brain Drain Chronicles: Arthur, 26

Name: Arthur

Age: 26

Where did you attend high school? Clovis High School

What is your educational background?

Attended Stanford University as an undergrad, was majoring in English Literature, but I didn’t complete the degree. Maybe I’ll finish it some other time in the distant future.

What is your current occupation?

Administrative Assistant at Space Systems Loral (they design satellites).

Where and how long did you live in the central valley?

I was born in Fresno and pretty much lived there until I left for college. I briefly moved back for a year or so before leaving yet again.

Where do you live now?

San Mateo, CA
Why do you (don’t you) live in the central San Joaquin Valley?

After moving to the bay area, Fresno became a much smaller space to me. When I visit home these days, time feels like it’s slowed down and I get irritated by the monotonousness. I prefer to immerse myself within a more diverse environment, which I feel the bay area offers at the moment.

What are the secondary reasons?

Aside from my family, nobody I am close to stayed behind. Most of my Fresno/Clovis friends have moved on themselves. I feel like I have a much more defined social network where I currently live.

Also, I noticed some people mentioned the heat. The heat during the summer is absolutely unbearable for me now that I’ve experienced less scorching summers.

What are the top 5-10 adjectives that come to mind when you think of the central valley?

Negatives: slow, synthetic, lacking. Positives: fertile (referring to the actual countryside), comfortable, homely.

If you do not currently live in the central San Joaquin Valley, what changes/acts of God would need to occur in order for you to move there?

I think maybe with age I’d consider returning to Fresno. Well, maybe I’d just own property that I could visit at my convenience.

I guess also, if any of my immediate family ever required assistance, I’d return.

If you do not currently live in the central San Joaquin Valley, what price would make it worthwhile?

Maybe if I was financially set up that I could travel outside of Fresno with ease and frequency.

Feel free to add any comments.

Fresno will always be home. And I genuinely feel satisfied with my upbringing there. I hope to see it flourish culturally. There’s a lot of potential that just needs to be fully realized.

Editors’ note:

This is part of an on-going series of posts on the Valley’s creative movement and its counterpart the central valley brain drain. We’re tracking down former Valley residents (with a preference on educated “creative class”-types) and finding out what they’re doing, why they don’t live in the Valley, and what it would take for them to move back.

If you are part of the brain drain and would like to participate, answer the questions you see below and send them to valley.notes AT gmail DOT com. We’re working on tracking down a more diverse array of participants (i.e. not our classmates) but alas, you have to start somewhere!

Please give us ideas on how we can improve this series. We admit that this is sub-scientific, but we’re finding the answers enlightening nonetheless.

Brain Drain Chronicles: Madeline, 27

Name: Madeline

Age: 27

Where did you attend high school? Clovis High School

What is your educational background?

B.A. Literature in English with a minor in Vocal
Music and Spanish Literature from U. C. San Diego.
Master’s in Library and Information Science (MLIS)
from San Jose State University.

What is your current occupation?

Youth Services Librarian II, San Jose Public Library

Where and how long did you live in the central valley?

First grade–12th grade (1986-1999). I consider Clovis
my hometown.

Where do you live now?

Los Gatos, CA (Silicon Valley).
Why do you (don’t you) live in the central San Joaquin Valley?

I always felt judged in Clovis… for not being Christian enough or conservative enough or middle America enough….

What are the secondary reasons?
No major university, lacking diversity (or least a supportive environment to encourage it), car culture, chain store culture, suburban sprawl, poor air quality.

Actually, the heat never bothered me…
What are the top 5-10 adjectives that come to mind when you think of the central valley?
Close-minded, flat, religious, uniform, hot

If you do not currently live in the central San Joaquin Valley, what changes/acts of God would need to occur in order for you to move there?

The fact that God factors into this sentence is so

I think the entire culture of the Valley would need to change before I’d feel comfortable there. If it suddenly filled with progressive people, I’d make an easy transition back.

If you do not currently live in the central San Joaquin Valley, what price would make it worthwhile?

A higher paying job couldn’t lure me back. The Bay Area pays me well enough, and my current high cost-of-living seems worth it considering the amount of beauty and culture I regularly experience here.

Feel free to add any comments.

I do love to visit the Valley. I feel like I’ll always have a special bond with the friends I made in Clovis, especially those who went away for college, experienced something new, and returned to experience Clovis in a new light.

Editors’ note:

This is part of an on-going series of posts on the Valley’s creative movement and its counterpart the central valley brain drain. We’re tracking down former Valley residents (with a preference on educated “creative class”-types) and finding out what they’re doing, why they don’t live in the Valley, and what it would take for them to move back.

If you are part of the brain drain and would like to participate, answer the questions you see below and send them to valley.notes at We know using our network alone will have an inherent bias.

Please give us ideas on how we can improve this series.

Brain Drain Chronicles: Jay, 26

Name: Jay

Age: 26

Where did you attend high school?
Clovis High

What is your educational background?

B.A. Northwestern, Economics

What is your current occupation?

Policy Researcher. I work at a think tank where I do economic and demographic research on poverty and welfare issues.

Where and how long did you live in the central valley?

Fresno. 18 years, 1982-2000.

Where do you live now?

San Francisco

Why do you (don’t you) live in the central San Joaquin Valley?
I left for college. Moved to DC for a job. Then moved to San Francisco for my current job.

What are the secondary reasons?
For an ethnically diverse county of about a million residents, Fresno still manages to be uninteresting. It’s a combination of suburban sprawl, terrible air quality, high unemployment, high concentrations of poverty (#1 in the US), conservative myopia, struggling schools and an obdurate religiosity (I should note that this combination makes it incredibly interesting for sociological/economic/demographic research, but not an incredibly interesting place to live). I don’t think I would be able to advise a 20-something college graduate to live there without feeling a considerable amount of guilt. Seeing the latest box office hit at Edwards passes as a cultural outing. Finding food takes a tremendous amount of effort and driving if you don’t want to eat at a chain restaurant. Only the Tower District seems to show a glimmer of progress and hope.

To be fair, there are a few very brave and intelligent people that are capable of creating interesting and meaningful lives in Fresno. However, I have neither motivation nor the creative capacity to do the same. Give me the beauty of urban living with its infinite cultural options, great food, great bars, public transit systems and progressive people with an eclectic array of interests.

What are the top 5-10 adjectives that come to mind when you think of the central valley?

Conservative, ag-based, slow, rural/suburban, characterless, religious, air pollution-y, hot (temperature)

If you do not currently live in the central San Joaquin Valley, what change/acts of God would need to occur for you to move there?
An act of God indeed. Just about everything.

If you do not currently live in the central San Joaquin Valley, what price would make it worthwhile?

I’m guessing you’re referring to the cost-of-living. As an unmarried 26 year old without children, cost-of-living isn’t my greatest concern. Since there are no employment options in the valley that interest me, there’s really no price that would get me to move back. I can almost understand moving to the valley if you have a family and your line of work is more ubiquitous or somehow related to agriculture. However, if I had a child, education would be a greater consideration than the affordability of housing. There were a small handful of administrators and teachers in Clovis that were able to inspire and educate me enough to get into a good college, which was no small feat. But looking back at my overall experience, the school system encouraged rote memorization over intellectual curiosity and fostered very little tolerance and compassion in its students.

Feel free to add any comments.

Only 14% of people over 25 years old in the valley (this includes Sacramento Valley) have at least a bachelor’s degree compared to 28% in the rest of California. Even the Inland Empire, which is boasting an upward trend in educational attainment, has a higher proportion of college-educated residents (19%). The brain drain in the valley is severe.

Editors’ note:

This is part of an on-going series of posts on the Valley’s creative movement and its counterpart the central valley brain drain. We’re tracking down former Valley residents (with a preference on educated “creative class”-types) and finding out what they’re doing, why they don’t live in the Valley, and what it would take for them to move back.

If you are part of the brain drain and would like to participate, answer the questions you see below and send them to valley.notes at We know using our network alone will have an inherent bias.

Please give us ideas on how we can improve this series.

Brain Drain Chronicles: Justin, 27

Name (First name or shortened name OK): Justin

Age: 27

Where did you attend high school?

Buchanan High

What is your educational background?

BA, High Honors, Swarthmore College (Music Major, English Literature Minor)

MM, University of Nevada-Las Vegas (Music Composition/Theory)

DMA, University of Texas at Austin — Beginning in Fall 2008 (Music Composition)

What is your current occupation?

Assistant Director of a Huntington Learning Center
Where and how long did you live in the central valley?

I was born in Fresno in 1980, but moved away before I was 1. We moved back to Fresno in 1990 and then to Clovis in 1992. I left for college in 1998 and my family was no longer there as of July 2000.

Where do you live now?

Henderson, Nevada (soon to be Austin, Texas)

Why do you (don’t you) live in the central San Joaquin Valley?

When I left, I was eager to get away from the social, political, and ideological identity that the valley held in my eyes. I wanted to go to a “good school”, and in the sort of elitism to which young people are often predisposed, that meant I had to go somewhere else. It was valuable because it gave me a broader worldview and a set of different experiences, but it was a bit wrongheaded.

What are the secondary reasons?

There’s no reason left for me to return. Without family attachments and without real job prospects in my chosen field, Fresno and Clovis are novelties — places where I can go and see that the city and town I knew aren’t there anymore.

What are the top 5-10 adjectives that come to mind when you think of the central valley?


Boomerang (Not an adjective, but I feel like people struggle to stay away once they’ve been there for a long time)



Close-ish to “Home”


If you do not currently live in the central San Joaquin Valley, what changes/acts of God would need to occur in order for you to move there?

There would have to be an extraordinary opportunity as a composer or professor, or I would have to be seized by a horrible fit of nostalgia and my wife and daughter would have to agree to the terms of fog and heat.

If you do not currently live in the central San Joaquin Valley, what price would make it worthwhile?

There would have to be sufficient pay to allow a ridiculous standard of living, replete with waterfront home, measurable land, and a fully-equipped music studio.

Feel free to add any comments.

I misjudged the Valley when I left. In my youthful posturing, I convinced myself that it was nothing but a breeding ground for early breeding, mental mediocrity, and provincial political ideas, and that was not an altogether accurate assessment. However, for the foreseeable future, there’s no conceivable reason or justification for us (my wife, Emma, and our daughter, Zoë) to move back. Interesting side note about Minkler — I discovered it while aimlessly driving out toward Reedley for an Honor Band rehearsal, and was amused (I suppose) by the statistical happenstance that would lead Minkler (then population 34) to attain the highest murder rate in the country if one person snapped over some sort of cooking mishap.

Editors’ note:

This is part of an on-going series of posts on the Valley’s creative movement and its counterpart the central valley brain drain. We’re tracking down former Valley residents (with a preference on educated “creative class”-types) and finding out what they’re doing, why they don’t live in the Valley, and what it would take for them to move back.

If you are part of the brain drain and would like to participate, answer the questions you see below and send them to We know using our network alone will have an inherent bias.

Please give us ideas on how we can improve this series.

Brain Drain Chronicles: Sarah, 27

Name (first name OK):


Where did you attend high school?

Clovis High, Class of 99

What is your educational background?

BS Electrical Engineering, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

What is your current occupation?

I integrate satellite payloads for Northrop Grumman, as an RF Test Engineer

Where and how long did you live in the central valley?

I lived in Clovis for 19 years.

Where do you live now?

I live in El Segundo, CA

Why do you (don’t you) live in the central San Joaquin Valley?

I got recruited by Northrop Grumman in Redondo Beach 5 months before I graduated from Cal Poly.

What are the secondary reasons?

My chosen specialty of aerospace engineering isn’t readily offered by the Central Valley companies.

What are the top 5-10 adjectives that come to mind when you think of the central valley?


If you do not currently live in the central San Joaquin Valley, what changes/acts of God would need to occur in order for you to move there?

Starting a family

If you do not currently live in the central San Joaquin Valley, what price would make it worthwhile?

If a major aerospace company started satellite production in the valley.
Standard of living remains stable.

Editors’ note:

This is part of an on-going series of posts on the Valley’s creative movement and its counterpart the central valley brain drain. We’re tracking down former Valley residents (with a preference on educated “creative class”-types) and finding out what they’re doing, why they don’t live in the Valley, and what it would take for them to move back.

If you are part of the brain drain and would like to participate, answer the questions you see below and send them to We know using our network alone will have an inherent bias.

Please give us ideas on how we can improve this series.

Brain Drain Chronicles: Bret, 26

Name (first name OK): Bret

Age: 26

Where did you attend high school? Clovis High

What is your educational background? I have a BA in music from UCLA and an MM (Master of Music) degree with a focus in clarinet performance from USC. I’m in my first year of law school at Yale.

What is your current occupation? Law student.

Where and how long did you live in the central valley? I lived in Clovis from the time I was born until I graduated from high school (1982-2000).

Where do you live now? New Haven, CT.

Why do you (don’t you) live in the central San Joaquin Valley? School, primarily.

What are the secondary reasons? I’m in New Haven almost solely because of school, although I did have a general desire to experience life on the East Coast. If I wasn’t in New Haven I would probably be living in LA: great weather, good job opportunities, fair amount of cultural events, and friends from college and grad school.

What are the top 5-10 adjectives that come to mind when you think of the central valley?


If you do not currently live in the central San Joaquin Valley, what changes/acts of God would need to occur in order for you to move there?

Generally, I would need to find an extremely promising career opportunity. The most interesting and exciting legal jobs tend to be clustered in the nation’s largest metropolitan areas (NY, LA, DC, SF, Chicago, Boston, etc.) However, I would consider moving back to the Valley for personal reasons such as an illness in the family.

If you do not currently live in the central San Joaquin Valley, what price would make it worthwhile?

Same as my answer to the last question.

Feel free to add any comments.

I think the Valley is generally a nice place to live, especially if you are raising a family. The cost of living is relatively low, the schools are decent, it’s easy to get around. In my opinion, Valley weather is much better than the long winters of the East Coast. But for young people who want to build a career and/or party through their twenties or thirties, the Valley can seem like a dead-end. There just seem to be more jobs with a chance for advancement, and a more vibrant social scene, in other parts of the country.

The Creative Movement

We’re happy to introduce an ongoing series of posts on the Valley’s creative movement and its counterpart the Central Valley Brain Drain. We’ll be tracking down former Valley residents (with a preference on educated “creative class”-types) and finding out what they’re doing, why they don’t live in the Valley, and what would it take for them to move back.

It’s our first foray into this type of content, so expect it to evolve as the posts continue.

Note: Our concept for this humble site is to provide content on issues facing the central San Joaquin Valley. Since we are not currently located in the Valley (we left too!), a natural theme to pursue included the brain drain phenomena, and the work that Creative Fresno and others are doing to combat this. Expect a posting with more interviews and background material.

Note: This was sent and returned as an e-mail survey. If you have suggestions on how to improve the questions/process, please let us know. We’re blogging novices.

Brain Drain Chronicles: Robyn, 25

Name : Robyn

Age: 25

Where did you attend high school? Clovis High School

What is your educational background? B.A. Columbia University 2004, J.D. NYU 2008

What is your current occupation? Law Student; Public Defender

Where and how long did you live in the central valley?
Clovis 1986-2000

Where do you live now? New York City

Why do you (don’t you) live in the central San Joaquin Valley? I moved to go to college and then stayed away for law school.

What are the secondary reasons? The food is better, the air is better, there is more diversity, the bars are better, the cultural options are more plentiful, there is more to do, my job is here, most of my close friends live here now (or at least not in the Valley). I’m never bored.

What are the top 5-10 adjectives that come to mind when you think of the central valley? Dusty, hot, Mormon (adj.), agricultural, driving-based, truck-y, conservative, and Tsing Tao (adj.).

If you do not currently live in the central San Joaquin Valley, what changes/acts of God would need to occur in order for you to move there? New York City would need to be located in the Valley.

If you do not currently live in the central San Joaquin Valley, what price would make it worthwhile? If I ever moved back to the Valley, it wouldn’t be because of cost of living. I’m acutely aware that the place I live now is ridiculously expensive, but after seven years, it has never tempted me to move back to the Valley.

Feel free to add any comments. The Valley is where I grew up, New York is my home.